Monday, August 1, 2011

From Apple's journal #30

It's hard when something you really wanted doesn't turn out to be what you expected.
People are different and waiting to see if someone changes is mostly a waste of time.
You can sit in a corner and cry about what you lost... but that is just silly because what you lost was just an illusion.
You can blame the world and promise yourself you will not be so trusting the next time... but you'd be the one loosing the chance to meet people who actually deserve your trust.
You can point your finger and angrily yell "they are all the same" but some people are *not* the same. Some are exceptional. And you can only meet them by going through a bunch of average ones.
Hope is just something way to precious to throw away just because you bumped into a few people that didn't meet your expectations or didn't treat you right.
So what do you do?
You move forward. You keep close and cherish the ones that love you as you deserve and you smile at the people you don't know but who might one day be part of your heart.

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