Wednesday, August 10, 2011

From Apple's journal #33

I decided to bake this afternoon.
But what should I put in the oven?
I had three mouths to feed with the ending result.
Andrew loves muffins .
Ruby doesn't like anything sweet that does not have some sort of frosting or cream .
Scarlet loves cookies .
As I bought the ingredients I needed I kept thinking how to make something that would be a hit with everyone.
Andrew and Ruby's preferences were easy to combine. Turn that muffin into a cupcake and you're done.
But Scarlet's love for cookies was throwing me off.
Suddenly I saw the light.
Literally... I open the fridge, saw the light and the idea popped in my head.
Not an original idea, mind you.. I had seen it somewhere in a cooking magazine.
So I made two batches of cookies.
This one .
And this one .

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