Friday, September 16, 2011

From Apple's journal #55

I'm a chicken.. laying eggs!
So Andrew comes home, starts kissing me and I tell him: baby, it's that time of the month...
He ignores me.
I press on: you know... the "making babies time of the month" and we are out of condoms.
He then says something like "oh.. you should rest for a while before we have another one, right?"
I say that yes... maybe it's better because Roderick isn't even one year old and we buy some condoms.
I tell him I have condoms and he asks me if I think we could make a baby in just one try.
I tell him no, I don't think that's possible.
He laughs and tells me "want to try? If we are that lucky.. we can call her Chance!".
I laugh, he laughs, I look at him laughing, he looks at me looking at him, I drop the condoms and then... well...
Half an hour later we are laying in the kitchen floor, catching our breaths and I say that we are completely crazy.
A week passes and I start to get nervous "should I go pee on a stick? I should pee on a stick.. otherwise in a couple of weeks I'll be even more disappointed because there is no Chance."
So I did.
I'm a chicken... laying eggs. I promise I'll stop when I have a dozen.

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