Saturday, January 1, 2011

Speaking to the walls

My name is Alailanible and I don't exist.
I'm a name written somewhere and a bunch of numbers on a computer.
Do you think you're any better?
Burn every paper with your name on it, erase any data that validates your existence and see how real you are.
I don't want to get you down but lets face it: if you didn't have Facebook most of your "friends" wouldn't even remember your birthday.
Now just because I don't exist doesn't mean I don't have opinions, likes, dislikes, hobbies and a favourite ice cream flavor. I have two even. Strawberry and coffee.
I'm 24 years old because that was my favorite age. I had high hopes for my life that year.
I haven't been 24 that long...
I don't like being with normal people but hate being alone.... so I come up with other people in my head to keep me company.
Seeing they are as unreal as I am we get along pretty well.
Actually... now that I think of it, if we disappeared for a whole month more people would miss them than me.
I'm not being depressive and negative, its a fact. If I would vanish from the face of the earth for a month only 4 people would notice. And two cats. And a dog.
Apple alone would have at least 32 messages in her inbox before the second week was over.
I just don't have that many people around me because my not so secret dream since I was 6 is to live in a very comfortable box, away from most human contact, with food, drinks and good internet access (when I was 6 instead of internet I wanted a lot of bubblegums).
If I wanted to get all hypochondriac on you I could say that I have been nurturing a mild case of agoraphobia for quite sometime and am now watching, like a proud mother, as it blooms into a series of crazy behaviors.
So, that's why I'm once again picking up my blog addiction.
Yes... I do feel envious of Apple's 32 messages and I too want to be missed if I disappear for a month. I just don't want to go through the hassle of having to deal with people face to face.
Because at the end of the day the way you connect with others is the only thing that makes you real and not a figment of someone's imagination.

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