Friday, March 4, 2011

From Apple's journal #11

Owen did not like the news, Ruby is still too little to understand and I was delighted.
I'm going to have another baby girl and she is in perfect health. Her heart is strong, she is growing according to the little chart the doctor had, she kicks and she punches and sometimes has hiccups.
When I told Owen he made the same face he does when I put broccoli in his plate and said something about girls being too little and taking way too long to grow up.
Poor baby, I really need to find him a play date besides Velvet. I'm afraid he feels alone when Janina's kids aren't around. He asks about Gabriel all the time.
He asks about his brother, Maynard too... sometimes he stops what he is doing and pulls at my sleeve.
"Is May-nerd big yet? Can he play?"
I tell him he is still little. Even smaller then Ruby and he goes back to what he was doing.
I guess he is going to have a big surprise in the next few weeks... Ruby is starting to crawl all over and pretty soon she will be following him around. I bet he will be wishing she didn't grow up so fast when she is stealing his toys and stalking him. :P

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