Friday, July 15, 2011

The bright side of life with Hope #7


We all say things we don't mean from time to time.
I'm sure if I had explained things to you in a different way we wouldn't get so angry.
Anger is a silly emotion. Being mad at something you can change is like standing in the rain without an umbrella and being mad because you are getting wet. It's such a waste of time... just get out of the rain and put on dry clothes.
We just did not understand each other. We felt hurt because we did not listen carefully to what the other one was telling and we were not able to hear the concern for our well being in their words.
I just want to keep our friendship safe because you are an important person in my life and there's no money worth putting that at risk.
I'm sorry about the way I behaved and I know that I took some of your words much more seriously then I should... I'm sure you didn't meant them. I wish I had the wisdom to understand that at the time. 

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