Bringing a new baby home is always tricky.
No matter how excited the kids are when the baby is something hidden away in mommy's belly it's a whole new story when he is out and keeping mommy busy most of the time.
Mia is acting all grown up. She is a professional big sister and she is always telling Scarlet and Ruby to be mindful of the little one.
She is very careful around Wolf and tries to help all she can.
Ruby is curious. She thinks her new brother is a cute puppy and is very happy to know that he will not be playing with her toys for a while.
She likes to "pet" him and sings and dances for him so that he "won't get bored from sleeping all day long".
Scarlet... well, she doesn't like the idea of having something in the house that doesn't really do anything and takes a lot of her mommy and daddy's time. I think she feels like he is taking up her space as the "little one".
Most of the time she ignores him. She thinks we should "send him back" but I know it's only a matter of time until she warms up to him.
Little Wolf couldn't care less about his sisters right now. The only thing he is interested in is my bobbies and eating. He is a big baby and something tells me soon he will be even bigger.
As any newborn he eats, poops and sleeps. In an adorable way, of course.
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