It's such a beautiful spring day it would be a shame to keep the kids indoors. It was time to go for one more camping trip.
After getting the girls from their morning dance lessons I put their bathing suits on, a thick layer of sun block, colourful comfortable dresses and sent them on their way with Andrew.
He was going to teach Ruby how to fish and she was very excited.
Scarlet looked at the fishing pole and could not understand why her sister was so thrilled about it. Finally she pointed at it and asked " can you catch cookies with that?".
I stayed behind to prepare our dinner.
Camping isn't so rough when you have this to sleep in and not one , not two , but three picknic banquets that look like this .
I admit I went a bit overboard with the food.
We have roasted beef sandwiches , more sandwiches , even more sandwiches , sugary ice cold water and lemons to make lemonade and an apple pie .
And now I'm off to enjoy wearing a bikini while I can still see my feet.
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