I said goodbye to last year with a huge celebration.
It was Billie and Janina's wedding which meant I got to spend the new years eve with almost all of my family.
Hope was in New York being a teenager, Owen was there too with his father and my mom and my dad where on a romantic cruise somewhere in the middle of the ocean.
I was *very* stressed out so being able to cook for Janina's weddings really helped me to gain the courage to spill the beans on some news I got in the morning.
I wanted to start the year fresh, with no unfinished business glooming over my head.
I found out I was pregnant and I wasn't really sure the father would be happy with the news. The situation was a bit complicated because I was going to have to tell him that not only was he going to be a daddy... but he was already one.
You see, two years ago I asked my male friends for a bit of help. I wanted a baby and I didn't want to use AI as I did with Ruby. The deal was they would be donors and we would go our separate ways, they didn't even had to know if I actually got pregnant or not.
Andrew was the only one who actually.. hum.. did the deed but as agreed I didn't told him anything.
The thing is a few months back we started talking, spending time together... a lot of time together and we fell in love.
I didn't know if the right thing to do was to tell him or not. He might not want to know.
But when I found out I was pregnant I knew I had to tell him. I mean.. what if the new baby was an exact copy of Scarlet. Or what if by spending time with the girl he would find out?
I was shaking when I told him. I was really afraid he would freak out.
And he did... about having to start working more to pay for all the things the babies would need in the future. It was sweet and funny.
When he calmed down he told me he wanted to be with us and my heart rested.
So I had a fantastic start of the year!
What about you
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