Thursday, September 8, 2011

From Apple's journal #46

Happy Valentine's day!

Ladies first so:

Janina , you have been my steady rock for so long. I know that no matter what happens you are but a phone call away, always with a loving voice to soothe me.
You are my Eva, the one that taught me what love was and took my hand when I knew nothing about it... in more than one way. :P
I love you and I hope you are having a great Valentine's day!

Andrew , a year ago you were down on one knee, asking me to marry you. My answer is an everyday "yes" to our love.
With one more baby on the way you have been adding up to the blessings in my life in so many ways that I can't say this enough: I love you and I'm so grateful you are in my life.

Happy Valentine's day, my loves!

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